Search Results
x64dbg: Analyze a malware dll's exported function with cmdline arguments
How I Debug DLL Malware (Emotet)
How to trace exported DLL functions from the main module using xdbg
Analysis of ICEID Malware Installer DLL
Malware Analysis - 3CX SmoothOperator C2 extraction with x64dbg and CyberChef
[11/10/2020] Emotet Maldoc Analysis - Embedded DLL and CertUtil for Base64 decoding (HITB CyberWeek)
Debugging Windows Internals with x64dbg!
X64 debug
Malware Evasion Techniques: API Unhooking
Deobfuscate Malware Strings with Conditional Breakpoints
everything is open source if you can reverse engineer (try it RIGHT NOW!)
Analysing a Firefox Malware browserassist.dll - FLARE-On 2018